2 month update

So we are now about 2 months post-amp and it’s been interesting the last few weeks. We went home to the family again for the holiday and everything had been going great – eating great, back into his normal routines, mobile without assistance, and happy, happy, happy. That was, until the herniated disc.

Christmas day, Artemis slipped on my mother’s new hardwood floor. One thing I’m finding out about the amp dogs is that they adapt so well, they stop being cautious. He was truckin’ across the room on a turkey mission and slipped and down he went. I helped him get traction and get back up and onto the carpet and he went on without any problems. That evening though, when we were out for a potty break, he just collapsed and lost all control of his back legs. I freaked. I was sure that that was the end, that my fantastic companion for the last 8 years had battled cancer and amputation to now have to be put down because was literally left without a leg to stand on. So, we made a trip to the emergency vet and by the time we got there he was actually able to use his right hind leg again. The vet we saw was fantastic, and immediately made me feel better by telling me what an awesome dog he is and how great he looked. We all love to hear that kind of thing, and plus, vets don’t tell you that sort of thing right before they tell you have to make a tough decision like euthanasia. She had a couple of ideas as to why he lost sensation in his left hind leg, with a herniated disc being the most likely cause. At that point he still wasn’t able to walk, but her neuro exam showed he had sensation in his outside 2 toes but not his inside 2 toes. She wanted to try him on some meds to reduce inflammation and pain, and wanted a neurologist to examine him. I wanted to kiss her I was so happy that I wasn’t faced with saying goodbye to him yet. We made a late night trip to the pharmacy, planned our trip back to Atlanta and made a neurology exam appointment for the following day. The neurologist’s verdict was the same – it was most likely a herniated disc from the fall and/or the adjustments his body has had to make now that he has only three legs, but only an MRI would tell us exactly. We decided against the MRI because there wasn’t any point in my mind – I’m not willing to do another surgery on him if rest and meds might provide the same outcome. So that’s what we are doing, rest and meds. He’s supposed to have 6-8 weeks of “cage rest,” but he’s such a laid back boy a regular day for him is like cage rest for a normal dog. We are having to make a conscious effort to make him sleep on his right side, his amputation side, to help keep some extra pressure off of his left hip. But he continually amazes me with his adaptability and now he’s mobile on his own again. He doesn’t have complete control over that left leg – he sort of two-foots-it to get around in the yard and the house. We’re going to keep him on prednisone and gabapentin to manage and maintain and we have a re-check appointment in early February.  I never would have thought I’d have to deal with a herniated disc after all we’ve been through already, but at least it’s manageable and he’s happy, so I’m happy.

The dogs and the tree

handsome man

Moose with all the toys

My father, feeding Moose from the carcass, yet again

scouting around in the yard last week


7 thoughts on “2 month update”

  1. Gosh, I am so sorry to hear about the setback. Zeus “tweaked” his back two weeks after surgery and that terrified me to no end (he could still walk, just a little gingerly and cried a little if we picked him up), so I cannot imagine your fear when your boy couldn’t walk. So glad to hear that he’s doing better. I hope bounces back without any further problems!

  2. So happy to hear it wasn’t terrible news! It can be very scary when something like that happens. I hope Artemis takes the dr’s advice, and enjoys his rest and naps over the next few weeks!

  3. What a nightmare! Is he still allowed to be your shadow? Sleep in bed with you? Boy, I hope so.

    It looks like your dad really loves Artemis, too!

  4. I’m glad it wasn’t worse news, but know how scary that is. Abby hurt her toe once, which would be such a simple thing in a quadpawd, but when the toe is on your lone remaining front leg, you can’t walk! I feared the worst but was so relieved when it turned out she just needed some rest. I hope Artemis will feel much better after some more rest.

    And, grandpa, keep that turkey coming!

    Take it easy on yourself, Artemis. And on your mom…
    Jackie, angel Abby’s mom

  5. scary stuff!! glad you were able to get to the emergency vet and find answers. we highly recomment the healing powers of ‘medicinal napping’ (for all of you). hope by the february visit, moose is feeling more his ‘normal’ self. turkey will make men do crazy things….

    charon & spirit gayle

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